Having experience of over 2500 web development projects for over 15 yrs

Web Marketing

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To make your website visible on the vicinity of top search engines, it is very important that your business has a correctly optimised and search engine friendly website. We will carry out all the hardwork for you to achieve an eminently placed link for your website at the top of the major search engines including Google, Yahoo, Bing and others. We use the correct meta tags keywords, Page Titles and dedicate our experience and skill to increase your rating and to enlarge your target audience and potential pool of customers.

Our Techniques

We can assist you to assess and implement a marketing campaign involving below techniques:

  • online advertising such as Google AdWords, click-through banner ads and banner exchange
  • search engine optimization
  • online directories and links on other sites (link building)
  • viral marketing (Social Media)
  • email newsletters
  • develop general interest micro sites in your website
  • client management and retention tools

Web Analytics

Our main goal is to understand your business's goals, your target audience, and your market. We believe that web analytics is not just about the data, its how we intrept it to increase the desired results exponentially.

Social Media

Humankind has become virtually social. Users use Twitter, Facebook, Orkut to communicate with others about brands, their experiences and opinions. We create opportunity for businesses and organizations to become part in these communication directly.

Website SEO Evaluation Form

Evince will analyze your website and give you a report of your potential customers, how you can reach them better and how to convert into prospect to customer to a customer.

Fill in your details and we will mail your FREE website evaluation with in one business day.